As soon as we reached Denver, Invesco Field at Mile High filled my entire field of view and my Denver Broncos pride welled up inside like never before. The awesome sight of the home of the finest team in professional football is enough to make any man have his breath taken away. So, yeah... Go Broncos! At any rate, we headed to the Red Rocks Amphitheater for a Death Cab for Cutie concert shortly after checking into our hotel. Long time readers, friends, or family know that I have more or less waited for this moment for at least 3 years, and that I may or may not be one of the biggest Death Cab fans around.
First of all, for those who do not know, Red Rocks Amphitheater is part of Red Rocks park, a strikingly beautiful park located about 10 minutes southwest of Denver. We sat in the 50th row, front and center. The stage was clearly visible, the acoustics were flawless, and the panoramic vista over the stage added to the ambiance in a way that sitting up close could not. Rouge Wave opened and performed a solid 40 minute set of songs from their last two albums, Descended Like Vultures and Asleep at Heaven's Gate. Death Cab played a stellar 75 minute set for over 7000 fans. Their set included songs from We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes, Trasatlanticism, Plans, and Narrow Stairs. They opened with Bixby Canyon Bridge, the first track from the new album. Ben also sang several classics like Soul Meets Body, Crooked Teeth, Expo '86, Sound of Settling, and Company Calls. He did indeed perform my all-time favorite song, I Will Follow You Into the Dark near the end of the set, and then eventually wrapped up with Marching Bands of Manhattan. After about 5 minutes of applause, the guys came back out and essentially played another set, delighting the fans with another glorious 45 minute set/encore. They played Title & Registration, What Sarah Said, and of course closed with one of their strongest and most memorable tracks, Transatlanticism. The concert was absolutely transcendent, and the sheer joy I felt is difficult to express with words. Let me just say that I did not stop smiling for the entire 3 hour show. Cheers to Death Cab for an outstanding live performance that will surely go down as one of the highlights of the trip.
Check out a few pictures after the break.
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